Environmental hazards and remedial measures | Environmental Geography | Principle Of Geography


Environmental Geography
Principle Of Geography
Geography Complete Study Material
(Paper - I)

Environmental hazards are remedial measures 

       An environmental hazard is a substance, a state, or an event that has the potential to threaten the surrounding natural environment/or adversely affect people’s health, including pollution and natural disasters such as storms and earthquakes. Environmental hazards may be defined as those extreme events either natural or anthropogenic which exceed the tolerable magnitude within or beyond certain time limits, make adjustment difficult, resulting in catastrophic losses of property, income, and lives.
         As we know the environment provides us lots of services that are beneficial to whole biotic communities but the environment behaves badly sometimes to biotic community especially human, the activities of the environment that are potential to harm man or property or both is called environmental hazards. Environmental hazards are elements of circumstances in the environment that have the potential to cause harm to people or property or both. Environmental hazards can be natural or man-made hazards.  In one line we can say, environmental hazards are the possibilities of risk caused by the environment.

Causes of Environmental hazards
          On the basis of main causative factors, the environmental hazards and disaster are of two types: 

1. Natural hazards and disaster an
  • Volcanic Eruptions
  • Earthquake
  • Landslide
  • Cyclones
  • Lightening and Hailstorms
  • Forest fires
  • Cloud burst
  • Floods and drought
  • Cold waves and heat waves
2. Anthropogenic hazards and disaster.
  • Human-induced landslides, earthquakes, mining.
  • Release of poisonous gases from chemical factors
  • Nuclear waste and explosion
  • Eutrophication
  • Epidemics